For many businesses, having a commanding online presence is a priority all too easily postponed, but the introduction of SFP’s new website has been planned and prepared for as if it were the launch of a brand new business itself.
Having originally launched a Flash-based site several years ago, the steady growth of the company soon outstripped not only the scope and capability of this smaller online property, but also its presence.
We felt that a site that reflected the company’s current position and standing within its sector was urgently required.
The inspiration for the new site has come from both the group partners Simon and Daniel Plant’s ambition for moving the company forward and from a desire to give the world of finance a different face.
Eschewing the often prosaic approach to web design adopted by many financial sector businesses, SFP decided to focus on impressive aesthetics as well as high quality content with the new site.
The inclusion of HDR photographs throughout the site, including many pictures of the company’s surroundings in Canary Wharf, adds more life to the site and helps visitors get a better idea of what SFP offers by way of a business personality, as well as a financial service.
And while engaging imagery is certainly eye-catching, the true purpose of SFP’s new site is to be much more than just a contact point and an ‘about us’ page.
Through sharing opinion and commentary on industry issues as well as case studies and a regularly updated news section, SFP is confident it will cement itself as an industry leader within the insolvency sector.
The site will also include more details about the separate business entities, which were not featured on the previous site and will go into significant detail about the staff within the individual groups.
However, it will be the regular news and features that will really appeal to visitors and hopefully encourage them to see the company’s site as a hub of information and a place to share insight.
With these features we are looking to make SFP not just industry leaders through the work it undertakes, but also through the quality of comments and opinion it has to offer to those in the insolvency community.
The news will be updated regularly and this alone will open up the online visibility of the site.
We believe the key to making this work is keeping the news flowing and that is exactly what we’ll be doing by working with an editorial team which will keep the site updated regularly.
By also providing comment and news in the offline press, the new site allows us to provide cohesion between the offline and online activity.
There is already a diminishing gap between a business’ offline and online presence, and those that fully commit to making a solid online offering from the offset will benefit in the future.
SFP is an ambitious company and is growing at a rapid rate which is mirrored by this website.
The launch of the new site is just the start of how we’ll be moving the online presence forward.