Are your creditors pursuing you for payments which you can’t afford to pay? Are you in debt? Perhaps you are the subject of a Winding Up Petition? Thousands of businesses struggle every month from creditor pressure. The most important thing is to be aware of your options and take action.
Cash flow issues can be caused by a variety of reasons such as the loss of a major client or a funding line being restricted. Whatever the reason, it can make it very difficult and sometimes impossible to pay creditors and suppliers on time.
Normally and when advice is sought at an early stage, there can be many possible solutions to improve cash flow and manage outstanding debt. Options vary and depend on each individual circumstance.
No matter what the reason, if you are experiencing financial difficulties the key is to seek early professional advice.
The SFP Group has been voted the best business recovery specialists in the UK by the Business Moneyfacts Awards over the past 5 years and are experts at helping you find a solution which works. Fill in our call back form or call us now on 020 7538 2222.
Are you under credit pressure? Fill in the call back form or call us today on 020 7538 2222