Our free Quick Company Check is subject to a qualifying criteria and aims to provide Directors or Lenders with a snapshot of the financial position together with options and recommendations we consider should be implemented to assist the business reach its true potential.
Our Quick Company Check comprises a comprehensive review of all facets of the business’ past, present and future – and so exposes potential risks. SFP Corporate Solutions can analyse accounts, together with all manner of documents, including contracts with suppliers, ownership of assets and even the lease on premises used by the company. These ensure a full understanding of the companies current position and future prospects.
Our Quick Company Check can all be done on site, or through a remote desktop. Once our Quick Company Check is undertaken we welcome the opportunity of meeting you to go through our report. The report will either give you a clean bill of health or provide you with a series of recommendations that we consider we can assist you with.
Read our sample Quick Company Check below.
Fill in one of our call back forms or call now on 020 7538 2222 to see if you qualify for a free Quick Company Check.